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Are you ready for tax season? Get ready now not later

For small business owners, tax season can be a stressful and daunting time of year. It makes sense that you would prefer not to think about it, but as a bookkeeper, every year, I see business owners feeling stressed as the season approaches because they know deep down that rushing things and leaving it to the last minute can lead to mistakes. That's why it makes sense to prepare for tax season. In this blog post, we'll explore why now is the time to get your self-assessment tax return done instead of waiting until the deadline of January 31st. We will offer tips on outsourcing your bookkeeping, why the deadline is not a target, and how it's crucial to know your numbers to help motivate you to complete your tax return.

You don't want to be doing your tax return over the holidays.

It's no secret that the holidays are a busy time of year - especially for small business owners. With the added pressure of balancing work and family commitments, it's easy to put off sending your tax return until January. However, with the deadline of January 31st fast approaching, avoid cramming your tax return in over the holiday period. Instead, tackle it now and enjoy a stress-free break.

The deadline is a deadline, not a target.

Many small business owners falsely believe that the filing deadline of January 31st is a "target" rather than a firm deadline. This could not be further from the truth. The HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) takes non-compliance very seriously, and failing to submit your tax return by the deadline could result in a fine. Get it done and off of the list as soon as you can.

Outsource your bookkeeping so you don't need to do it.

One of the best ways to get your tax return completed now is to outsource your bookkeeping. If you need more time or expertise to handle this task in-house, think about getting the help of a bookkeeper. Outsourcing your bookkeeping can save you time and energy, help you stay organised and ensure your tax filings are completed accurately and on time.

Here's the unexpected benefit

Many small businesses see the tax return as the ultimate goal, but at Grove Virtual Services, we know that knowing your numbers is the most important reason to complete your tax return now rather than later. If you haven't already, it gives you time to save for your tax bill (talk to me about this; I can help), and it is vital to know your numbers.

Your tax position reflects your business performance for a specific time frame, and we expect you to want to know how you're performing in as near to real-time as possible. Understanding your financial situation is vital in running a successful small business. By knowing your financial figures in-depth, you can make informed decisions for your business, plan for the future, and stay on top of your finances.


Getting your tax return done as early as possible is crucial. Of course, this avoids unnecessary added stress, mistakes and penalties, but it means you have feedback on how your business is doing. At Grove Virtual Services, we encourage our clients to file their tax returns as early as possible, and we'd love to chat with you about how we can help you with yours. You can contact us by emailing So why wait? Let's get your tax return sorted now so you can move on to more exciting things.

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